Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Hiring and Firing Staff Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Hiring and Firing Staff - Essay Example Companies need to hire staffs for expansion program or simply to fill vacancies. In line with this activity, employers try to define corporate standards in order to perform successfully and achieve its goals. Hiring qualified applicants to perform the job is one. The applicants in order to perform the task need to pass the standard. It is therefore thought that the search criteria set by employers is the essence of hiring standards (Outtz, 2005, p.201-336). In a very dynamic job like sales, in hiring an agent for instance, it is important to understand the skills, attitudes, interests and motivations of the applicant (Butler, 2004). Applicants with desirable qualities suited to company standard have the chance of getting hired and to sign a contract. Within this contract a certain relationship is developed between employer and employee as further enhanced by obligations and economic aspects (Holland and Burnett, 2007, p. 17-50). There are different ways involved in hiring the best an d qualified employee for the job. Thus, it is important to know the process involved in it. Zoltners et al. (2001, p.160-190) discussed six steps involved in the hiring process especially on a very dynamic group. Hiring process especially on sales force requires the job definition as the first step, then candidates profile, applicant pool, selection, attraction and evaluation and improvement. The whole steps involved in this hiring process according to Zoltners et al. (2001, p.160-190) affect the quality of the hired employees.

Monday, October 28, 2019

Old Spice Essay Example for Free

Old Spice Essay Old Spice is one of the most popular companies in America that specializes in male grooming products. It was founded by William Lightfoot Schultz in 1934 and began by creating products for women in 1937, closely followed by male cologne in 1938. The company originated in the colonial times and chose the theme accordingly, thus the Colonial Sailing ship became the Old Spice trademark. It wasn’t until the 1990’s when Old Spice changed their colonial sailing ship to the more modern sailing ships and released many forms of deodorant, body wash and body sprays. During this time period Old Spice began advertising their products focusing on how men are continuously attempting to attract women. From 1990 to 2010 Old spice’s advertisements have gradually evolved in the way they entice men that their products will help men become more attractive to women. Through commercials Old Spice has convinced men that their products will aid in satisfying man’s greatest need, a woman. In 1996 Old Spice released a commercial of a man walking off a sailboat his back facing sun hiding his identity leaving the audience in suspense wondering who it was. At the same time they show a beautiful woman stumbling upon herself in a crowd in confusion looking for someone. Soon later she stops to catch her breathe and finds a man, a tall, well built man with a captains hat who is looking at a painting of a sail boat tossing and turning in the sea. Another man sees this confused woman and approaches her but unfortunately she walks away to the sailor. At this moment a deep dominating voice says, â€Å" Some men would rather live their lives sheltered in the harbor, and some would rather sail into life with the unmistakable scent of Old Spice.† As the couple walks away the other man walks to the painting and finds a bottle of Old Spice cologne and smiles. This commercial shows that the woman chose the sailor because he was wearing Old Spice cologne and shows men that there is still hope to find a woman. Old Spice also has a line of Body Spray, Deodorant, and Fragrance. On one of the body spray commercials two teenage boys were trying to ask the same girl out, one boy tried to read a poem and give her flowers while the other boy sprayed on Old Spice body spray and just sat next to her. He immediately won her heart. This advertisement implies that women are simply attracted to good smelling boys. About 12 years later Old Spice commercials emphasized on a different topic, they changed the idea of focusing on men getting women to how Old Spice makes you manlier. The commercial starts off with a skinny short young male dressed as Steve Urkel walking up to a sexy woman in a revealing dress. The woman says hi and instead of replying back the young man runs away in embarrassment making a weird high pitch noise. The camera then zooms out showing the popular LL Cool J, a massive muscular man. He admits that the embarrassing boy is him but says that was all before he started using Old Spice body spray and body wash. Emphasizing that the product made him manlier. Recently in 2010 Old Spice released a new commercial during the super bowl incorporating how Old Spice makes you manlier and can help get women. In this commercial; however, the character is not convincing the men but convincing the women. A tall, well built, dark man in a towel holding a bottle of Old Spice body wash. He addresses the women and asks questions which compare himself to there man and asks the women if their man should use Old Spice body wash. He then follows that question with other question such as; do you want a man who can bake your favorite cake in the kitchen he built with his hands? Then jumps into a hot tub doing a swan dive. The hot tub then falls down and we see him on a motorcycle holding a bottle of Old Spice body wash asking, â€Å" Well ladies should your man smell like an Old Spice man? You tell me†. In this commercial Old Spice shows that with their product a man could make a cake, built a kitchen with his hands, be able to jump into a hot tub which is shallow, and land on a motorcycle. This shows that Old Spice makes men manlier and women are attracted to manly men. This advertisement has evolved from the older commercials in the way that it no longer convinces men as well as women and yet keeps its main idea that Old Spice makes men manlier and attractive for women. Over time Old Spice has observed reality and adapted its commercials accordingly. They started off by trying to convince men that their products will help them attract women. Then went on to persuade men that it will make them manlier, with more confidence. In the present day Old Spice realized that women tend to buy their partners products so they aimed towards women inducing them with handsome attractive shirtless men persuading them to buy Old Spice products. From the first advertisement to the most recent one Old Spice has kept the same mentality in all of their advertisements.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

The Cuban Revolution and the Triumph of Women in Cuba Essay examples --

Fidel Castro and the M-26-7 successfully seized power of Cuba’s government in 1959, after years of fighting. The M-26-7’s nationalist movement was able to knock the corrupt leader, Fulgencio Batista, out of power, and in 1961 Castro deemed the revolution to be officially of a Marxist nature. Throughout his 40-year stay as president, Castro has not allowed his revolution to stall, but rather he has allowed it to progress and adapt as he has seen fit. In relation with Castro’s revolution in Cuba has been another revolution, that of the Cuban women. Castro himself described the changes in women’s public and private lives as "a revolution within a revolution". In a true system of equality, as in the one Castro holds as his ideal, equality reaches all people across all lines whether they are lines of race, class, or gender. Throughout Castro’s campaign, starting in 1953 with the failed Moncada attack, Castro has used historic referenciality to appeal to the Cuban population. Castro’s most often mentioned historical figure is no other than the national hero, Josà © Martà ­. While Martà ­Ã¢â‚¬â„¢s view on women is suspect to debate, his opinion on equality is very clear. Martà ­ once said, "Respect for the freedom and ideas of others, of even the most wretched being, is my fanaticism. When I die, or if I am killed, it will be because of that." The crux of this prophetic quote was borrowed by Castro on a broader level when he attained power and based his entire social structure on equality. Women in pre-revolutionary Cuba Gender differences were enormous in Cuba before the Cuban revolution. The prototypical woman of the old republic according to a leading journalist of the revolution, Mirta Rodrà ­guez Calderà ³n, was Yina the prostitute. A poor wo... ...reignty against the colonizers who exterminated the auctoctonous population, of the interventionists who sought to take up our Island, of the dictators and governments in power under the disgraceful servitude of transnational mandates impoverishing the country. Resolute and brave women patriots engaged in every necessary period of the war for national liberation. When the people took power, women identified the starting revolution, as their own Revolution, which immediately established education and medical care services free for all without distinction, the land and urban reforms, measures of greatly popular benefits made it clear what the revolution intended to do, and therefore they embraced at once, participating intensively in all construction and defense works of the new society that opened its doors with all the rights and opportunities they never had before.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Differences Between at and Tce on Corporate Governance

Explain the similarities and differences between AT and TCE on corporate governance and criticize AT using TCE’s perspective Both AT and TCE share considerably the same assumption, they believe that market mechanism will not work all the time because of bounded rationality, opportunism, and moral hazard. The two theories also believe that there is no perfect contract and both rely endogenously on the board of director as a control instrument. Even though AT and TCE both share these similarities, they analyze them from different perspectives. The unit of analysis in AT is individual level, while it is transaction in TCE. The focal cost of AT is the residual loss that causes from bounded rationality, opportunism, and moral hazard, while it is maladaptation of governance structure in TCE. Furthermore, the focal contractual concern of AT is ex ante, while it is ex post in TCE. AT focuses on relationship between principals (shareholders) and agents (CEO). Due to the fact that the principals want to maximize their return, while the agents want to maximize their wealth, power, and prestige, so the interests of the two parties are not aligned. The agents are able to fulfill their interests without necessary fulfilling the principals’. To guard against such bounded rationality, opportunism, and moral hazard from the agent, board of director is appointed to link the imperfect relationship between principals and agents. The board of director has the right to monitor, ramify, and sanction the decision of the agent to fiduciary protect the principals’ interest. Apart from appointing the board of director, nexus of contracts is utilized to provide ex ante incentive alignment and minimize inefficiencies in the contractual structure of the firm that arise form the unaligned interests. TCE focuses on the alignment of the governance structure in order to minimize the transaction cost as much as possible. Its focal contractual concern is ex post governance structure so they strive to reduce the transactions cost by integration rather than focusing on incentives. TCE also assume bounded rationality, opportunism, and moral hazard as AT, but TCE focuses on transaction level instead of individual level. Apart from the assumptions of bounded rationality, opportunism, and moral hazard, two variables must be concerned in order to decide the appropriate governance structure. These variables are namely uncertainty, and asset specificity. The level of uncertainty is dependant on the length of the transaction and often is a part of bounded rationality. Longer length of transaction often leads to higher uncertainty. Asset specificity, contrary to uncertainty, is better for longer length of transaction. This is due to the reason that, the transactions cost is lower in a higher specific asset. If the level of asset specificity and uncertainty are high in both parties, vertical integration is suitable in minimizing the transactions cost, but if the level of uncertainty is low while the asset specificity is high in both parties, long term contract is more suitable. Board of director also exists in TCE, but for different purpose than in AT. The role of the board of director in TCE is to safeguard the firm against financial lost from by financially look after the firm rather than monitoring the agents’ behavior.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Mhp Nursing Shared Governance Essay

What is Shared Decision Making †¢ Point of Service Decision Making – where staff who perform the work participate in decision making affecting their environment †¢ A 30 year old decision making model meant to give equal voice to nurses †¢ A decentralized style of management that creates an environment of empowerment Shared Decision Making A Journey Not a Destination We TO They Why Shared Decision Making †¢ Essential to achieving the best patient outcomes by giving nurses control of their practice – they know best! †¢ Recognizes the power already present in a role and allows that power to be expressed legitimately †¢ Builds autonomy into the profession Shared Decision Making – The Process A dynamic process that is centered on 4 critical principles of fully empowered organizations: Partnership Accountability Equity Ownership Operational Definitions †¢ Partnership – nursing staff and leadership work together at the unit and system level to move practice forward and achieve the best outcomes †¢ Accountability – staff and managers share ownership for the outcomes of our work and are answerable to our colleagues, the institution and the community we serve Operational Definitions †¢ Equity – Integrating roles to achieve outcomes; everyone contributes within the scope of their role as part of the team †¢ Ownership – Everyone must realize that success is linked to how well they do their jobs Shared Decision Making Our Model Professional Advancement Council Administrative Council Safety First C rd oo ina tin g Quality & Safety Council Cou ncil Unit Patient Research & Evidence Based Nursing Practice Council Great Place to Work Professional Nurse Council Family Community Clinical Excellence Councils Coo Education Council rdin atin g Cou ncil Think of yourself as a Patient APN Council Research Council Financial Strength CCHS Shared Decision Making Councils †¢ Quality & Safety Council †¢ Research & Evidence Based Nursing Practice Council †¢ Education Council †¢ Professional Nurse Council †¢ Coordinating Council Education Council ï‚ § Collaborates with unit and system councils to identify educational needs, develop educational priorities with appropriate time lines and determine resources for all education impacting the Department of Patient Care Services ï‚ § Disseminates approved educational strategies to unit leaders and support staff ï‚ § Develops and maintains a communication network between unit and systems councils Research & Evidence Based Nursing Practice Council ï‚ § Promotes the spirit of inquiry in clinical nursing practice ï‚ § Evaluates the literature in order to use best practices to transform clinical practice at the point-of-care Quality & Safety Council ï‚ § Provides planned, systematic and collaborative approaches to oversee and direct quality and safety relating to the nursing process, functions and services provided. ï‚ § The council’s scope includes performance improvement and safety measures throughout the Department of Patient Care Services Professional Nurse Council ï‚ § Works to enhance the professional image of nursing within CCHS and the community ï‚ § Supports the spirit of the professional advancement program ï‚ § Identifies and supports implementation of recruitment and retention strategies Coordinating Council ï‚ § Provides overall coordination of the systems councils. ï‚ § Reviews the system strategic plan and adopts the plan for the Department of Patient Care Services and the nursing Shared Decision Making structure. ï‚ § Serves as the portal for other departments or disciplines requiring assistance with the Shared Decision Making structure of nursing. Problem Solving The Old Way †¢ Problem identified by staff and communicated to manager †¢ Manager may or may not have asked for feedback about solutions †¢ Manager made final decision or had final authority for approving a solution Problem Solving The New Way †¢ Staff identify issues and communicate them to the unit council †¢ Unit council formulates a response and communicates this to staff †¢ Staff provide feedback via the comment form. How Does The New Way Work †¢ Unit Council: ï‚ § Collects Data ï‚ § Develops a proposed plan using evidenced based practice ï‚ § Develops a time line ï‚ § Presents Plan for Feedback (Open Comment) ï‚ § Revises Plan Based Upon Feedback ï‚ § Forewards plan to system council, as needed How Does The New Way Work †¢ Unit Council: ï‚ § ï‚ § ï‚ § ï‚ § Implements Plan Evaluates Outcome Report Results to Unit Staff Seeks staff feedback, formally and informally on council’s performance How Does It Work – Problem Solving Methodology †¢ Identify an Issue or a Problem †¢ Gather Data †¢ Design a Solution †¢ Obtain Feedback †¢ Finalize a Proposal †¢ Implement †¢ Evaluate †¢ Report Increased Incidence of Pressure Sores Problem Unit Problem: Unit Council Problem Solving Model Results: Positive Outcomes System Level Practice Research Problem Coordinating Operations Education Problem Solving Model Results: Positive Outcomes Nurse Manager’s Role †¢ Create a climate that is actively supportive and not just tolerant of shared decision making †¢ Facilitate a leaning environment for staff growth and comfort with shared decision making †¢ Support â€Å"release time† for staff to participate in shared decision making activities Nurse Manager’s Role †¢ Share with staff your knowledge of leadership and help staff to minimize implementation barriers †¢ Commit to the â€Å"New Way† Role of Unit Based Council Chair †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ Set meetings Develop the agenda Move council to consensus Ensure members participate (per charter) Facilitate group assignments Ensure consensus for decision making Call emergency meetings, as needed Mentor Chair-elect Benefits of Shared Decision Making †¢ Increased Staff Nurse Satisfaction (increased autonomy, increased control over practice, improved communication between nurses, physicians and administration) †¢ Improved Nursing Retention ($90,000 to replace an RN – 2006 Advisory Board) †¢ Improved Patient Safety Outcomes Benefits of Shared Decision Making †¢ Improved collaboration and team Building †¢ Improved quality of care and clinical effectiveness †¢ Increased staff confidence, personal and professional growth †¢ Development of new knowledge and skills †¢ Increased professionalism and accountability Requirements for success†¦. †¢ Place the Patient First and focus on providing the best care possible †¢ Trust and respect is essential †¢ Communicate openly and honestly †¢ Embrace change and strive for improvement †¢ Staff and managers hold each other accountable. †¢ Organizational support of accountability in the performance appraisal process Final Thought Shared decision making is a journey, not an event. It is not achieved overnight, and there is no conclusion – no point when it is fully in place. It only provides a foundation for further growth. Tim Porter-O’Grady

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

5 Mistakes to Avoid at the Admission Interview

5 Mistakes to Avoid at the Admission Interview A crucial part of the private school application process, the admission interview can be a nerve-wracking experience for many applicants and their families. You want to make the best impression you can in order to find the perfect school for your child. But how do you do that properly in an admission interview? Check out these five tips of things you should not do during your admission interview.  Ã‚   Dont Be Late Many private schools schedule back-to-back admissions interviews at busy times of the year, so throwing off their schedule might not be an option. If you are going to be late, call the office and advise them as soon as you realize it. You can always offer to reschedule the interview, which shows that you value their time and understand that you have made a mistake. If the office allows you to arrive late, apologize when you do arrive. Avoid Ranking Schools The admissions staff knows that you are looking at several schools. No matter where their school may be on your list, be cordial and noncommittal. You are trying to determine if this is the right school for your child. Admissions committee members are doing the same. Dont tell each school that it is your first choice just to make it seem like youre more invested than you might be; and skip telling your backup school that it is not your first choice. Its OK to say that youre looking at and comparing a few schools. If you know that a school is truly your first choice and can articulate why, let the admissions committee members know, but be genuine in your comments. Dont Be a Difficult Parent Educating your child involves a three-sided partnership: the school, parent, and child. Ask direct questions about the school, but dont be abrasive. (It helps if you have done some research on the school beforehand.) Parents are part of the admission process, and it is not unheard of for a qualified student to be denied admission because of the way her parents acted during the interview It also never hurts to let the school know that you are willing to help when asked; many schools rely on volunteers, and involved parents are highly desirable. Do Not Try to Impress Schools champion diversity and finding the right fit over stacking their parental ranks with wealth and power. Private schools generally admit students based on qualifications first and foremost. These institutions also seek students who ordinarily could not afford a private school education, and they often offer scholarships and financial aid. Your ability to participate in the schools fundraising efforts may be a bonus, but that alone wont help your child gain admission. Your child needs to be the right fit for the school, and vice versa, so offering a large donation likely wont help. Do Not Be Overly Familiar The interview may have gone very well. It may be obvious that admissions committee members like you and your child. But dont get carried away. Be gracious, not effusive, in your comments. It would be inappropriate to suggest that the admissions staffer have lunch sometime or give her a hug. A smile and a polite handshake are all that is necessary at the conclusion of the interview. Article  edited by  Stacy Jagodowski

Monday, October 21, 2019

Teams at Kluster Essays

Teams at Kluster Essays Teams at Kluster Essay Teams at Kluster Essay ANALYSIS Management Kluster has many teams; these are set teams that work on many projects as a whole. They follow the Five stage Model with the exception of pregroup, Forming, and storming. This group has been together for a while thus the first few are not needed, neither is the Punctuated equilibrium model The illuminator team has many different people I terms of characteristics; It doesn’t look they have one person to one type of task. This goes against the â€Å"roles† (pg 171) The team has a reward system that allows for positive feedback more often then negativity; they use extrinsic motivation, which goes against the â€Å"cognitive evaluation theory† Alfie Kohn Everyday the team sits to talk about the goals- this help with team efficiency and cohesiveness. Ben Kaufman who is the CEO of Kluster- he has everybody finish a to do list he is very hand on and does not share his leadership roles with his subordinates that the â€Å"Characteristics of an Effective Team† dictate. The CEO Ben Kaufman is the only leader of the group. He makes to do lists for the individuals he is a Contingent Reward Manager (leadership Model pg 279), this causes for the team to be less effective. The team needs to have more control of their own work and more leadership roles stated in the Characteristics of an Effective team (pg165) The Illuminator group does not seem to have diversity. They are all computer white males who are computer or software designers/ programmers. This causes a lack of diversity, which can reduce many key aspects that this team needs such as increased creativity, flexibility, and problem solving skills- Team composition, Diversity (pg 171) Teams are usually really good, but there are times where teams are not preferable. Ben Kaufman is not allowing his group of people to work individually. Yes he is allowing for Virtual teams that meet but this is also everyday. This is not an ideal situation for everybody every day. This is especially true if the people in the team are introverted. Which can be figured out through the Myers Briggs

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Biography of Lydia Maria Child, Activist and Author

Biography of Lydia Maria Child, Activist and Author Lydia Maria Child, (February 11, 1802–October 20, 1880) was a prolific writer and fervent activist for womens rights, Native American Rights, and abolition. Her best-known piece today is the homey Over the River and Through the Wood, but her influential anti-slavery writing helped sway many Americans toward the abolitionist movement. Fast Facts: Lydia Maria Child Known For:  Prolific author and activist for abolition, womens rights, and Native American rights; author of Over the River and Through the Wood (A Boys Thanksgiving Day)Also Known As:  L. Maria Child, Lydia M. Child, Lydia ChildBorn:  February 11, 1802 in Medford, MassachusettsParents: David Convers Francis and Susanna Rand FrancisDied: October 20, 1880 in Wayland, MassachusettsEducation: Educated at home, at a local dame school, and at a nearby womens seminaryAwards and Honors: Inducted into the  National Womens Hall of Fame (2007)Published Works:  Over the River and Through the Wood, Hobomok, The Rebels, or Boston before the Revolution, Juvenile Miscellany magazine, An Appeal in Favor of That Class of Americans Called AfricansSpouse: David Lee ChildNotable Quote: I was gravely warned by some of my female acquaintances that no woman could expect to be regarded as a lady after she had written a book. Early Life Born in Medford, Massachusetts, on February 11, 1802, Lydia Maria Francis was the youngest of six children. Her father David Convers Francis was a baker famous for his Medford Crackers. Her mother Susanna Rand Francis died when Maria was 12. (She disliked the name Lydia and was usually called Maria instead.) Born into Americas new middle class, Lydia Maria Child was educated at home, at a local dame school, and at a nearby womens seminary. She went to live for some years with an older married sister. First Novel Maria was especially close to and influenced by her older brother Convers Francis, a Harvard College graduate, Unitarian minister, and, later in life, a professor at Harvard Divinity School. After a brief teaching career, Maria went to live with him and his wife at his parish. Inspired by a conversation with Convers, she took up the challenge to write a novel depicting early American life. She finished it in six weeks. This first novel, Hobomok, has never been honored as a literary classic. The book is remarkable, however, for its attempt to realistically portray early American life and for its then-radical positive portrayal of a Native American hero as a noble human being in love with a white woman. New England Intellectual The publication of Hobomok in 1824 helped bring Maria Francis into New England and Boston literary circles. She ran a private school in Watertown where her brother served his church. In 1825 she published her second novel, The Rebels, or Boston before the Revolution. This historical novel achieved new success for Maria. A speech in this novel, which she put into the mouth of James Otis, was assumed to be an authentic historical oration and was included in many 19th century schoolbooks as a standard memorization piece. She built on her success by founding in 1826 a bimonthly magazine for children, Juvenile Miscellany. She also came to know other women in New Englands intellectual community. She studied John Lockes philosophy with activist Margaret Fuller and became acquainted with the Peabody sisters and Maria White Lowell. Marriage At this point of literary success, Maria Child became engaged to Harvard graduate and lawyer David Lee Child. Eight years her senior, David Child was the editor and publisher of the Massachusetts Journal. He was also politically engaged, serving briefly in the Massachusetts State Legislature and often speaking at local political rallies. Lydia Maria and David knew each other for three years before their engagement in 1827. While they shared middle-class backgrounds and many intellectual interests, their differences were considerable. She was frugal and he was extravagant. She was more sensual and romantic than he was. She was drawn to the aesthetic and mystical, while he was most comfortable in the world of reform and activism. Her family, aware of Davids indebtedness and reputation for poor monetary management, opposed their marriage. But Marias financial success as an author and editor allayed her own fiscal fears and, after a year of waiting, they were married in 1828. After their marriage, he drew her into his own political activity. She began to write for his newspaper. A regular theme of her columns and of childrens stories in Juvenile Miscellany was the mistreatment of Native Americans by both the New England settlers and earlier Spanish colonists. Native American Rights When President Andrew Jackson proposed moving the Cherokee Indians against their will out of Georgia, in violation of earlier treaties and government promises, David Childs Massachusetts Journal began virulently attacking Jacksons positions and actions. Lydia Maria Child, around that same time, published another novel, The First Settlers. In this book, the white main characters identified more with the Native Americans of early America than with the Puritan settlers. One notable interchange in the book holds up two women rulers as models for leadership: Queen Isabella of Spain and her contemporary, Queen Anacaona, Carib Indian ruler. Childs positive treatment of Native American religion and her vision of a multiracial democracy caused little controversy, mostly because she was able to give the book little promotion and attention after publication. Davids political writings at the Journal had resulted in many cancelled subscriptions and a libel trial against him. He ended up spending time in prison on this offense, though his conviction was later overturned by a higher court. Earning a Living Davids decreasing income led Lydia Maria Child to look to increase her own. In 1829, she published an advice book directed at the new American middle-class wife and mother: The Frugal Housewife. Unlike earlier English and American advice and cookery books, which were directed to educated and wealthy women, this book assumed as its audience a lower-income American wife. Child did not assume that her readers had servants. Her focus on plain living while saving money and time focused on the needs of a far larger audience. With increasing financial difficulties, Maria took on a teaching position and continued to write and publish the Miscellany. In 1831, she wrote and published The Mothers Book and The Little Girls Own Book, more advice books with economy tips and even games. Anti-Slavery Appeal Davids political circle, which included abolitionist William Lloyd Garrison and his anti-slavery cohort, drew Child into consideration of the subject of slavery. She began to write more of her childrens stories on the subject of slavery. In 1833, after several years of study and thought about slavery, Child published a book that was a radical departure from her novels and her childrens stories. In the book, awkwardly titled An Appeal in Favor of That Class of Americans Called Africans, she described the history of slavery in America and the present condition of those enslaved. She proposed the end of slavery, not through colonization of Africa and the return of the slaves to that continent but through the integration of ex-slaves into American society. She advocated education and racial intermarriage as some means to that multiracial republic. The Appeal had two main effects. First, it was instrumental in convincing many Americans of the need for the abolition of slavery. Those who credited Childs Appeal with their own change of mind and increased commitment included Wendell Phillips and William Ellery Channing. Second, Childs popularity with the general public plummeted, leading to the folding of Juvenile Miscellany in 1834 and reduced sales of The Frugal Housewife. She published more anti-slavery works, including an anonymously-published Authentic Anecdotes of American Slavery (1835) and the Anti-Slavery Catechism (1836). Her new attempt at an advice book, The Family Nurse (1837), was a victim of the controversy and failed. Writing and Abolitionism Undaunted, Child continued to write prolifically. She published another novel, Philothea, in 1836, Letters from New York in 1843–1845, and Flowers for Children in 1844–1847. She followed these with a book depicting fallen women, Fact and Fiction, in 1846 and The Progress of Religious Ideas (1855), influenced by Theodore Parkers transcendentalist Unitarianism. Both Maria and David became more active in the abolitionist movement. She served on the executive committee of Garrisons American Anti-Slavery Society and David helped Garrison found the New England Anti-Slavery Society. First Maria, then David, edited the National Anti-Slavery Standard from 1841 to 1844 before editorial differences with Garrison and the Anti-Slavery Society led to their resignations. David embarked on an effort to raise sugar cane, an attempt to replace slave-produced sugar cane. Lydia Maria boarded with the Quaker family of Isaac T. Hopper, an abolitionist whose biography she published in 1853. In 1857, at 55 years old, Lydia Maria Child published the inspirational collection Autumnal Leaves, apparently feeling her career coming to its close. Harpers Ferry But in 1859, after John Browns failed raid on Harpers Ferry, Lydia Maria Child plunged back into the anti-slavery arena with a series of letters that the Anti-Slavery Society published as a pamphlet. Three hundred thousand copies were distributed. In this compilation is one of Childs most memorable lines. Child responded to a letter from the wife of Virginia Senator James M. Mason that defended slavery by pointing to the kindness of Southern ladies in helping slave women give birth. Childs reply: ... here in the North, after we have helped the mothers, we do not sell the babies. Harriet Jacobs and Later Work As the war neared, Child continued to publish more anti-slavery tracts. In 1861, she edited the autobiography of ex-slave Harriet Jacobs, published as Incidents in the Life of a Slave-Girl. After the war- and slavery- ended, Lydia Maria Child followed through on her earlier proposal of education for ex-slaves by publishing, at her own expense, The Freedmens Book. The text was notable for including writings of noted African-Americans. She also wrote another novel, Romance of the Republic, about racial justice and interracial love. In 1868, Child returned to her early interest in Native Americans and published An Appeal for the Indians, proposing solutions for justice. In 1878, she published Aspirations of the World. Death Lydia Maria Child died on October 20, 1880, in Wayland, Massachusetts, on the farm she had shared with her husband David since 1852. Legacy Today, if Lydia Maria Child is remembered by name, it is usually for her Appeal. But ironically, her short doggerel poem, A Boys Thanksgiving Day, is better known than any of her other work. Few who sing or hear Over the river and through the woods... know much about the writer who was a novelist, journalist, domestic advice writer, and social reformer. One of her greatest accomplishments seems ordinary today, but it was groundbreaking: She was one of the first American women to earn a living income from her writing. In 2007, Child was inducted into the  National Womens Hall of Fame. Sources Child, Lydia Maria. An Appeal in Favor of That Class of Americans Called Africans, edited by Carolyn L. Karcher, University of Massachusetts Press, 1996.Child, Lydia Maria. Lydia Maria Child: Selected Letters, 1817–1880, edited by Milton Meltzer and Patricia G. Holland, University of Massachusetts Press, 1995.Karcher, Carolyn L. The First Woman in the Republic: A Cultural Biography of Lydia Maria Child. Duke University Press, 1998.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Issues in Educational Research Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Issues in Educational Research - Article Example The coded information included the source, respondent, episode any other information that was emerging. Sorting out, which was the second stage involved using the unitized data in identification of learning areas and relating them to the components of learning. The third stage of analysis sorted out the components of learning into the learning categories that had been predetermined. During the analysis enabled establishment of the key identified areas used for learning in the science and mathematics sector. The in-depth analysis procedures were adequate in that they gave an avenue through which knowledge construction of the pre-service teachers could now be understood in a better way (Johnson&Christensen, 2011). The adequacy of study results The study results were adequately equipped. This is because; the results indicated the numerous elements that were interacting in the environment that this study was conducted. The results gave the required insights on how the system functions an d how it affects learning of science and mathematics in elementary schools for the pre-service teachers. The results provided the most active and influential elements in the learners system cohort. The methods of improving learning methods were also established in the study results which were the most important factor for the study. Learning venues like incorporating models in learning process, the use of reflection before, during and even after teaching and incorporating collaborative learning are a good strategy for learning mathematics and sciences in elementary schools. More so, predetermined methods for both teaching and learning experiences were defined like learning from children, teachers, instructors and course methods, self and peers. Therefore, the... This paper makes a conclusion that going through this study, we have acquired the basic knowledge that is required for elementary school pre-service teachers for better teaching and learning of science and mathematics in elementary schools.The issues that are unexpected during the process of research may came up and proper measures should be put in place in case of such an event. The report approves that the study has also given me an insight on the proper ways of carry out data collection procedures. Through this study, I have established that primary sources are very reliable methods of collecting data. This is because, from the study, the institution contributed to the insights that have been projected out from the study. The results are reliable due to the active involvement of the correct participants. According to the paper the study has also enabled my understanding of the appropriate data analysis procedures in the process of carrying out any educational research. Data analysis methods contribute to effective results hence proper recommendations for any educational research. Teaching elementary school teachers who are specializing in mathematics and science for elementary schools has been enhanced through this study. This is because, while preparing students for elementary schools, it will be possible to apply the recommended strategies to these future elementary teachers. This means that better pre-service teachers in the area of mathematics and science for elementary schools will be produced.

Argumentative Research Paper Women in Combat Essay

Argumentative Research Paper Women in Combat - Essay Example For instance, as this essay will demonstrate in the following sections, women suffer more physical injuries than men, they often suffer more serious psychological ailments, they resort to substance abuse as a means for coping with the physical and psychological strains, and their presence contributes to a number of novel problems in the military. The point is not that women are incapable of serving in the military. The point most certainly is not that women cannot be good leaders and good soldiers. The thesis of this essay is that women should not be placed in direct combat roles because (1) their presence may very well result in more serious physical and psychological costs than those experienced by male soldiers, and (2) that their presence causes the military to become preoccupied with peripheral issues such as sexual harassment, dating, and disharmony to the exclusion of military readiness and missions. As the data will demonstrate, this ought to be viewed and treated as much more than a political or a social issue. The military occupies a special place within the larger political and social framework, its combat functions result in serious injuries and mental strains, and women ought to consider the medical findings and the military realities before demanding increased combat roles. This research paper will define what is meant by combat and, as illustrated in Iraq with messy urban warfare, how traditional notions of combat versus non-combat personnel have become increasingly difficult to define. This blurring of the traditional distinction is of particular relevance in this case because women serving in traditionally non-combat roles have, in fact, been directly exposed to combat nonetheless. After examining the meaning of combat, this essay will analyze a number of recent studies which demonstrate that women suffer greater burdens than their male counterparts. Some of these burd ens are biologically-rooted and cannot be remedied by simple shifts in policy.In the final analysis, there is no good scientific or military argument for including women in combat roles. The humane result would be a wholesale exclusion of women from combat. Only a sadist would use women as martyrs to make a point of gender equality, which has been and can continue to be made in less damaging situations and contexts. Combat Versus Non-Combat Combat was traditionally defined as taking place in a specific place with specific people (Skaine, 26); however, Skaine also goes on to note that combat today is more spread out, warring parties often hide and fight among civilians, and that defining a woman as serving in a combat or non-combat role is somewhat disingenuous. This is because, even though most women are theoretically shielded from combat by legislation and by non-combat designations and deployments, the combat reaches and affects women. Indeed, it is an open secret that women operate in combat roles even though they are technically barred or prohibited. Recent events in Iraq illustrate this blurring of the role between combatants and non-combatants all too starkly; as reported by CNN, "The Pentagon's policy banning women in combat is being tested in Iraq, where the lack of a defined front line and insurgents' guerrilla

Friday, October 18, 2019

Environmental Policy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Environmental Policy - Essay Example information regarding the occurring environmental degradation [Pellegrini &Gerlagh, 2006 page3] witnessed by the soviet union, Asia, Africa and even the Latin America. With democracy, was the ability to protest against the loose grip of the authorities on the optimum use of the resources available. Thus, the democratic setup helped the cause of raising voice high enough to reach the ears of the undertakers. By exploring the link between democracy and environmental policy we can find the nature of effect that each has on other, as for instance, countries with a democratic setup have a political commitment to the people of healthy environment. And democracy is a significant positive determinant of environment protection. The UK initiatives out of region have been in the developing countries, of which the present work will limit it to India. As India is arriving in the developed country arena with the zest never seen before, the sustainability model will be largely dependent on the shoulders of the youth of the nation. The UK s sustainable development projects in India aim at Natural Resource Management, Climate change policy, mainstream sustainable development and production aiming at reduced emissions[UK - SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT PROJECTS IN INDIA, 2006]. The UK Strategy for Sustainable Development, which uses that definition of sustainable development, has four objectives: - social progress which recognizes the needs of everyone - effective protection of the environment - prudent use of natural resources - maintenance of high and stable levels of economic growth and employment.[MAPPING COMMON GROUNDS, 2001] UKs latest initiative on the matter of democratization in environment policy making is the... World is changing, and how?, so during this time when the scientists are busy coming out with more statistical â€Å"deadlines† of natural resources remaining on earth and people are busy getting one on one with the â€Å"global warming† glossary of terms, fewer have started the leap toward new ways of living that are less daunting on our planet. People are reminded of a serious â€Å"shift of origin† like condition of the planet when researchers declare that the rising temperatures due to global warming will harm the wine industry in the regions of California or the decreasing ICE CAP for polar bear survival or the melting glaciers of the Himalayas close to India. But still now in times of severe hunger and poverty stricken countries of the world, where survival comes before living, fewer will be courageous to take report of the now termed â€Å"planet in peril†. On the positive side, there is some relief in watching the efforts of international level org anizations and NGOs come to light the way towards a â€Å"prolonged† stay here, on earth. Greenpeace, Care, UN and among others are the forth runners in this task. Scientific knowledge and policy go together hand in hand. Scientists contribute to the framing of issues and the agenda for climate change by defining what evidence they can produce and by making claims about its significance for policy-makers. The future for the environmental policy making through democratization is clearer and it is going to be a key issue for the coming organizational setups. The industrial revolution of the 1900s has had initially profound effect on the global environment which are now showing up. There is a need for table turning policies and stringent actions.

Criteria for Selection of Physical Education Teachers Essay

Criteria for Selection of Physical Education Teachers - Essay Example As the report declares three different kinds of questionnaires were prepared. The first was a Likert-type questionnaire. Responses were assigned numerical values that assessed how important the respondent considered a particular attribute. The second questionnaire required the respondents to arrange the attributes they considered favorable in potential teacher candidates in order of rank and importance. The third was an open ended questionnaire that allowed the respondents to answer questions in more detail, which provided some insight into the reasons for their choices. This paper stresses that the ability to teach physical education was considered most important, followed closely by the ability to teach inter personal skills. Teaching of swimming, dancing and outdoor education ranked lowest on the scale. The most important criterion was a major in physical education, followed by graduation from a reputable institution and a grade point average of at least 3. The least important criterion was the possession of a Master’s degree. The ability to motivate and inspire students ranked as the most important quality in terms of teaching skills. Adopting a wide range of teaching styles and maintaining a good classroom plan were also considered very important. The least important factor was collaboration with parents and the Community. Enthusiasm and passion ranked highest on the list of favorable attributes, followed by the ability to speak well. The least important factor was whether or not the candidate led an active lifestyle.

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Internet Tools for Dirt Bikes Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Internet Tools for Dirt Bikes - Essay Example Since Dirt Bikes already offers Internet access to every employee who uses a desktop computer, it would be prudent to develop private network by utilizing the present network connections. Intranet would thus be a viable alternative. Other internet tools I would recommend for the company are Virtual Private Network (VPN) and Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP). The table below summarizes the benefits of the recommended internet tools (Bias 52): Internet tools Department Benefits Intranet Sales and Marketing †¢ Private †¢ Secure †¢ Protected by firewall †¢ Prevents unauthorized access of information †¢ Easy access of information †¢ Improved sales through convenient tracking †¢ Higher productivity †¢ Reduced costs Human Resource †¢ Extra security †¢ Easy-to-navigate environment †¢ Easy accessibility †¢ Access rights †¢ Interactive interface †¢ Less time spent on searching information †¢ Replaces cumbersome manu als †¢ Saves time and paper Manufacturing and Production †¢ Easy consolidation of data from many sources †¢ Increased speed of access †¢ Intranet offers centralized manufacturing and publishing of data †¢ Fosters collaboration between manufacturing and other functional groups †¢ Easy identification of product problems †¢ Improved inventory control †¢ Easy implementation of design changes †¢ Reduced cost †¢ Enhanced productivity

The Scarlet Letter High School Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

The Scarlet Letter High School - Essay Example Socially outcast, Hester raises her child Pearl, all by herself within her limited means, but Pearl grows into a defiant and difficult one-parent child. However, in spite of all her trials and tribulations, Hester refuses to reveal the identity of her co-partner in crime, the Reverend Dummesdale. Part and parcel of the tribunal that convicted Hester in the first instance, Dummesdale is secretly relieved by Hester's refusal, "Wondrous strength and generosity of a woman's heart! She will not speak!" (Chapter 3). The Reverend's silence and complicity also allows Roger Chillingworth, Hester's husband who had been presumed dead, to gain moral ascendancy over her. Chillingworth holds no grudge against Hester, as he feels that he too has wronged Hester by marrying her in spite of his infirmities, but wants to seek justice and revenge. Chillingworth succeeds in his endeavors resulting in the psychological ruin and ultimate demise of the Reverend. The entire plot of the Scarlet letter revolves around Reverend Dummesdale's non--confession at the time that Hester Prynne was first tried. It is the Reverend's silence that confers on Chillingworth the power over both Hester and the Reverend himself. Had the Reverend confessed in the first instance, the very foundation on which the narrative is based ceases to exist.

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Internet Tools for Dirt Bikes Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Internet Tools for Dirt Bikes - Essay Example Since Dirt Bikes already offers Internet access to every employee who uses a desktop computer, it would be prudent to develop private network by utilizing the present network connections. Intranet would thus be a viable alternative. Other internet tools I would recommend for the company are Virtual Private Network (VPN) and Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP). The table below summarizes the benefits of the recommended internet tools (Bias 52): Internet tools Department Benefits Intranet Sales and Marketing †¢ Private †¢ Secure †¢ Protected by firewall †¢ Prevents unauthorized access of information †¢ Easy access of information †¢ Improved sales through convenient tracking †¢ Higher productivity †¢ Reduced costs Human Resource †¢ Extra security †¢ Easy-to-navigate environment †¢ Easy accessibility †¢ Access rights †¢ Interactive interface †¢ Less time spent on searching information †¢ Replaces cumbersome manu als †¢ Saves time and paper Manufacturing and Production †¢ Easy consolidation of data from many sources †¢ Increased speed of access †¢ Intranet offers centralized manufacturing and publishing of data †¢ Fosters collaboration between manufacturing and other functional groups †¢ Easy identification of product problems †¢ Improved inventory control †¢ Easy implementation of design changes †¢ Reduced cost †¢ Enhanced productivity

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Assessments and children Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Assessments and children - Essay Example Teachers in early childhood education should be very committed, as children require extra care and the teacher should be very attentive to ensure that the children really understand what they have learnt in class. Additionally, the teacher should be ready to communicate as he or she has to inform parents about the progress of their children, has to communicate with children to ensure that they understand, and has to report to the school management (Childcare Education Institute Para. 1-7). Teachers use several tools to assess the progress of the pupils and one assessing tool used is a review and reflection tool. This tool assesses and reflects on the progress the knowledge that children have acquired in class and enables the teacher to come with strategies to handle each child. The advantage of this assessment tool is that it makes children to be keen on the things learnt in class and promotes the relationship between the teacher and the child. Additionally, there are high expectations of children understanding the lessons learnt in class through reflections (Flottman, Stewart, and Collette 6-12). In conclusion, early childhood education has been vital in molding children about life and the teachers in early childhood education should be committed and use the right tools to ensure that children understand things learnt in class. Flottman Rachel, Stewart Lucinda and Collette Tayler. Practice Principle 7: Assessment for Learning and Development. 2011. Web. 28 Jan. 2014.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Pizza Hut Case Study Essay Example for Free

Pizza Hut Case Study Essay Create awareness for the introduction of the new pizza crust ‘Freshizza’, highlighting FRESHNESS of the dough as a key ingredient for a perfect pizza. Situation Analysis Each Pizza Hut restaurant prepares fresh dough several times a day on premise, unlike competing brands whose stores receive crusts from a few central commissaries making the dough older by 1- 2 days. This fact had not been leveraged by Pizza Hut in the past. In the course of product development, Pizza Hut had commissioned research to evaluate the proposition of ‘Fresh’ among consumer focus groups. The key findings here revealed that ‘Freshness’ in the context of Indian bread (chappati’s) implied kneading fresh dough daily. Consumers preferred chappati’s made from freshly kneaded dough as they were softer and tastier than those made from two day old dough. This was unlike the perception on pizza’s where ‘Freshness’ was only understood as a piping hot pizza. Strategy The PR programme decided to use both the insights gained from the commissioned research, to present an all new pizza crust and focus on leveraging editorial opportunities to create awareness for freshness and differentiate the product on taste. In order to add credibility to product claims and influence media on the freshness of the product, PR Pundit considered it vital to get a leading food critique to endorse the product. Through dialogue and product sampling, the PR programme earned the support of India’s leading food writer Rashmi Uday Singh, a lady whose name is synonymous with good food in India, to demonstrate the freshness of the Pizza Hut’s pizzas, through a unique ‘Freshizza Cookery Show’. The Challenge The challenge was to garner media support to create awareness for freshness and differentiate the product on taste. CASE STUDIES Execution Tactics. The PR Campaign was conceptualised to create a dramatic launch to highlight the freshness of the product, while subtly suggesting that the competition’s product is not so fresh. The PR Plan rolled out with a cookery show and food sampling at New Delhi’s oldest Pizza Hut, which received nationwide media coverage. The programme was extended to the keenly competitive markets of Chennai, Bangalore and Mumbai. In Chennai and Bangalore a photo call was created with the in-store presence of local celebrities to launch Freshizza, while senior management addressed the media on the process followed at each restaurant to prepare fresh dough for pizza’s. The Mumbai launch was timed to coincide with the introduction of the television commercial (TVC) featuring one of India’s top model – Malaika Arora Khan. Consumer media was invited for a preview of the TVC and to the restructured cookery show ‘Get Fresh with Malaika’ featuring the top model and Rashmi Uday Singh at a local Pizza Hut. This resulted in yet another nation wide photo opportunity. In Kolkata and Pune, consumer and city press were invited to sample the new crust, while a press release with attractive product pictures was issued in Hyderabad and Chandigarh. HINDUSTAN TIMES ECONOMIC TIMES CASE STUDIES DIVYA BHASKAR The ‘Freshizza Cookery Show’ was fashioned to demonstrate the freshness of the pizza crusts from Pizza Hut in the form of a cookery show. The delightful repartee of actor Zayed Khan (Bollywood celebrity and brand ambassador of Pizza Hut) and food writer Rashmi Uday Singh was appreciated for its uniqueness and provided a live and interactive demonstration of the dough preparation process – from the blending stage to the final pizza making for the media. The sight of the duo rolling out fresh pizza crusts made for a perfect photo opportunity. Freshly baked Freshizza’s were served to the media for sampling In Mumbai too, the entire dough making process was recreated with the new face of the Freshizza campaign -Malaika Arora Khan paired with food writer Rashmi Uday Singh on the ‘Get Fresh with Malaika Show’. The launch was followed up by special Freshizza deliveries to key media offices to ensure broadest possible reach. Results and Impact. The launch events at the four major cities of the country received an enthusiastic response from nearly 150 journalists. The photo opportunity made it possible for product and brand to be carried across all major print, electronic and online media in India. In less than two months of the launch, one out of every four customers at Pizza Hut had tried out Freshizza, i. e. almost half a million customers have already sampled the product and the growth of sales grew by about 12–15 per cent per restaurant.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

What is Federalism?

What is Federalism? Federalism is a political system in which ultimate authority is shared between a central government and state or regional governments. Federalism is one of the two major principles based on the American version of representative democracy that distribute power, the other is separation of power. The political authority in America is divided between national and state governments this division is called federalism (Wilson, 2014). How federalism has evolved from its origins to the American political system of today The United States started off with a group of colonies that were under a British unitary system. The British government viewed it as a centralized power, a threat to their rights and liberties. The Constitutional Convention held in Philadelphia in 1787 faced the major problem of how to restrict the power of the central government and still provide it with the necessary power to protect national interests. The solution was to divide power between national and state levels of government resulting in federalism (Bodenhamer). When the Revolution was carried out the United States became a confederation covered by the Articles of Confederation. This system became unsuccessful so it was transformed into a federal system by the Constitution (Mount, 2010). The drafting of the Constitution by the Framers was opposed to by Antifederalist. The Framers thought it gave the national government too much power. The framers intended federalism to be a device for protecting personal liberty (Wilson, 20 14). Since the United States implemented federalism in 1787, it has progressed. Over time two major kinds of federalism have dominated the political theory. A debate over the meaning of federalism began after the Civil war, focusing on the interpretation of Article I, section 8 of the Constitution, the commerce clause. Out of this debate came the doctrine of dual federalism in which the national and state governments have defined areas of authority and separately especially over commerce. Congress would regulate interstate commerce and states would regulate intrastate commerce and each would be defined by the Supreme Court. They must defer single state commerce over to the state authority. States depend on the power of the federal government over foreign and military relations, state and foreign commerce. The second major kind of federalism involved the last paragraph of Article I, section 8 of the Constitution authorizing Congress to pass all laws deemed â€Å"necessary and proper† in carrying out the enumerated powers (Wilson, 2014). Today the federal government responsibilities are those that traditionally were the authority of the state government. They include education, social welfare policy, health care, and minimum wage. The growth of the federal government has caused an increase in spending, adjustments for inflation affecting state and local government. The full-time civilian workforce of the federal government is about the same as it was in 1960, while state and local government full-time workforce has more than doubled since 1960. The federal-state relation handles most national laws and policies. This complex relation in whole or partly fund, shape and administer programs. In American politics federalism has been central. The federal government depends on the states to provide senators and representatives through elections (Wilson, 2014). Factors that have allowed the concept of federalism to shape American political behavior Federalism political significance defines political justice, shapes political behavior, and directs humans towards a suitably civic combination of the two. The idea of federalism is important to the law of natural in defining justice and the natural right in defining the origins and proper constitution of political society. Federalism as a form of political organization has grown as a factor shaping political behavior. Federalism is a political force because it serves the principle that there are no simple majorities or minorities, but that all majorities consist of a collection of individuals and the consequence principle of minority rights not only protecting the possibility for minorities to preserve themselves but forces majorities to be combined rather than artificially simple. It serves those principles by emphasizing the consensual basis of the political entity and the importance of liberty in the constitution and maintenance of democratic republics. Both principles are especi ally important in an increasingly complex and interdependent world, where all people must live together, whether they like it or not and even desire to do so by majority vote. It is not surprising that people and states throughout the world are looking for federal solutions to the problems of political incorporation within a democratic framework. Federalism involves some type of contractual relationship of a presumably permanent characteristic that provides for power sharing, division around issues of sovereignty, and supplements, but does not seek to replace or diminish prior organic ties that they exist (Elazar, 1991). Factors that illustrate how the relationship between the states and the U. S. Federal government influences the creation of American policies overall In the original Constitution before the bill of rights the Framers attempted to define the relationship between the states and the federal government. In it the states powers were restricted. The relationship between the states and the U. S. Federal government influences American policies in that it clearly defines that people want local control over its police and schools, but the local control over their governmental services have been reduced by the federal regulations development of federal grants in aid (Wilson, 2014). In the United States the laws and actions citizens encounter on a daily basis involve all three levels of government. Zoning, traffic control, sanitation, educational administration, street repair and other services are primarily managed by local officials on the authority granted to them by the state. Voting procedures differ from state to state. Educational policies, criminal justice, business and professional regulation, public health and other important issues are under the control of the state government. Defense, foreign affairs, economic, monetary policy, welfare reform are all actions of national government. National government laws apply to individuals living within the national boundaries. State laws apply to the resident of those states. The constitution is the source of authority for national and state government reflecting the will of the people (Bodenhamer). The central government has defined powers in a federal nation, and has full authority over external affairs. The constitution gives the government exclusive power to regulate interstate and foreign commerce, coin money, provide the naturalization of immigrants, and maintenance of the military. The United States guarantees states a republican form of government ensuring that states cannot create a monarchy. The national government has judicial authority that resolves controversies between the states and between the citizens of different states. State and central governments may differ in areas of domestic policy where they have overlapping interests and needs. The state and national government can exercise power at the same time as in the parallel power to tax. Issues regarding national authority, not addressed by the constitution allows the states to take action as long as it does not conflict with the powers legally exercise by the central government. Issues on education, crime and punishment, health and safety and other important matters affecting the daily lives of citizens the constitution does not assign responsibility (Bodenhamer). Recognizing the potential for conflict surrounding concurrent power among levels of government the framers adopted measures to avoid them making the U. S. Constitution supreme over state constitutions enforceable through federal courts. The clause declared that the actions of the national government supreme whenever its power conflicted with the legitimate actions of the state. It also clearly prohibited states from exercising powers that were granted to the central government. In ratifying the Constitution the framers supported the bill of rights, the first ten amendments in efforts to restrain national governments from interfering with individual liberties. By listing the mutual obligations that each state owed each other the Constitution laid the ground rules for the relationship among the states. Finding the correct balance between national and state powers continues to be an issue in American politics. With each generation social and economic changes occur, there are shifts in p olitical values and the changing role the nation plays in the world will require changes and adjustments in how we treat federalism (Bodenhamer). Conclusion The agreement of the Constitution established a union of states under a federal system of governance. The Constitution has been debating over the issues of powers, privileges, duties, and responsibilities granted to national governments and reserved for the states and its people have shaped and been shaped by the nation’s political, social, and economic history of the United States (Boyd, 1997). The characteristics of federalism suits the changing nature of American society. The flexibility of the Constitution allows the nation to respond to changing circumstances (Bodenhamer). References Bodenhamer, D. J. (n.d.). Federalism Democracy. Retrieved August 7, 2014, from AIT website: Boyd, E. (1997, January 6). American Federalism, 1779 to 1997: Significant Events. Retrieved August 8, 2014, from US Embassy: Elazar, D. (1991). Exploring Federalism. University of Alabama Press. Mount, S. (2010, January 24). Constitutional Topic: Federalism. Retrieved August 7, 2014, from U. S. Constitution: Wilson, J. Q. (2014). American Government: Brief version (11th ed.). Boston, MA: Cengage.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

The Character of Cyrano De Bergerac :: Cyrano Bergerac

The Character of Cyrano De Bergerac A man who knows every thing, has never ending wit and charm, and has a way with words like none other, but is still to horrid to convey his true feelings to a beautiful woman. This poor but yet amazing man is Cyrano from the play "Cyrano De Bergerac" by Edmond Rostand. This man has more intellect than sand in a desert and is the most courageous Gascon of all. Yet he has one tragic physical flaw. He has an enormous nose, of which he is very self conscious about and only he can talk about it. If any one else has anything to say about it the better say something very witty or there done for. All of this is portrayed in one of Cyrano's speeches on page 40-41. The speech reveals how clever and smart he is when he says things like "what a sign for a perfume shop" (41) and "Is that a conch, and are you Triton rising from the sea?"(41). Cyrano reveals a lot about himself in his speech like how intelligent he is to use such big intellectual words off the top of his head. Cyrano uses phrases like "The end of it must get wet when you drink from a cup. Why don't you use a tankard?"(40) And words like Grandiloquent to show off his wit. Most people in that age weren't educated as well as Cyrano was and that showed a lot when he spoke. Not many people in the room knew that grandiloquent meant pretentious or non straight forward. Aristophanes was also another word that no one ever used or knew what it meant. Cyrano also revealed that he had no patience for people that made fun of, or picked on those that were less fortunate. Cyrano thought as himself as less fortunate to have a nose like his. So when people made fun of it he got very angry but yet he never lost his cool. So Cyrano would just take care of business with the bully in a entertaining manner and then be on his way. In his speech he showed his willingness to fight and his aptitude to make people mad at him.

Friday, October 11, 2019

A comedy then is a problem-solving story, ending in resolution and order and normally symbolised by marriage?

‘A comedy then is a problem-solving story, ending in resolution and order and normally symbolised by marriage. ‘ How far would you agree with this statement when looking at Act 5 in ‘Twelfth Night'? Shakespeare's comedy ‘Twelfth Night' is mainly comedic due to the dramatic irony which is consistent throughout the play due to Viola, Sebastian's twin, pretending to be a man named Cesario. This is evident in Act 1 Scene 4 when Orsino is praising Cesario for how much of a woman ‘he' looks.‘Diana's lip/Is not more smooth and rubious' would be highly entertaining to the Shakespearean audience as they would be completely aware that Cesario was in fact a girl, and therefore would obviously have a smooth lip. This would be even more dramatic to the Shakespearean audience due to the fact that at that time only men were permitted to act. This was one of the problems created within the play as Viola constantly had to hide her true identity.This therefore suppo rts the idea that ‘a comedy then is a problem-solving story, ending in resolution and order' particularly when looking at Act 5 as this is when the rest of the characters find out Viola's true identity when she says ‘that I am Viola' and that she ‘hath been between this lady and this lord'. It also supports that the resolution is often ‘symbolised by marriage' as Viola goes on to marry Orsino. The marriage of Orsino and Viola also resolved another issue within the play- Orsino's unrequited love for Olivia.We were first made clear of this love in Act 1 Scene 2 when the captain explained that ‘he did seek the love of fair Olivia'. As well as this, in Act 2 Scene 4 we hear from Orsino himself that his love for Olivia is ‘more noble than the world' portraying the idea that his love is true, and not just due to her status or wealth, however Olivia claims ‘I think not of him' due to the fact that she is in love with Cesario. Despite this love that Orsino has for Olivia, he quickly directs that love to Viola in Act 5 when he asks Viola ‘give me thy hand ‘.Throughout the play it is often made clear that Olivia is in love with Orsino, for instance when he asks her to declare his love for Olivia, Viola replies ‘whoe'er I woo, myself would be his wife' but due to her masked identity is unable to confess resulting in their marriage resolving her unconfessed love for Orsino as well as his unrequited love towards Olivia. Furthermore, the separation of the twins is a major issue that needed to be solved in ‘Twelfth Night' being the root also of Viola's hidden identity.During the entire play the audience are aware that Sebastian is alive and therefore great suspense is created as to when Viola is going to find out, which again, is Act 5. Viola claims that her ‘father had a mole upon his brow', Sebastian's response of ‘and so had mine' made clear to both of the twins that they were in fact related, a s proven by this intimate fact. This certainly was a problem resolved, however in disagreement to the given statement indicating that resolutions to problems were ‘normally symbolised by marriage' the uniting of the twins was not symbolised by marriage in Act 5.When discussing the topic of unrequited love within ‘Twelfth Night' it is also necessary to mention the love that Olivia has for Cesario, Malvolio for Olivia as well as the hinted homosxual admiration that Antonio has for Sebastian. Out of these three, only one of these cases are resolved, that being Olivia's love. ‘Even so quickly may one catch the plague? ‘, this quotation from Act 1 Scene 5 portrays how quickly Olivia fell in love with Cesario.The use of ‘plague' being a quickly spread disease reinforces this idea of speed and unwillingness the love for him was due to his lower status. Due to Cesario actually being Viola, they could never be together as homosexuality wasn't accepted in that er a. However, Olivia's marriage to Sebastian provides her with the resolved, happy ending symbolised by marriage. In addition to the issues that have already been discussed, Sir Toby is a heavy burden to Olivia throughout the play and it is clear he is using her for her money and lifestyle.Despite Sir Toby being a knight, he is still a rather corrupt individual. His drinking habits are made clear multiple times in the play, one instance of this is in Act 1 Scene 3, Sir Toby says ‘I’ll drink to her as long as there’s a hole in my throat and booze in Illyria' in reference to Olivia. Not only is he a burden to Olivia, the only reason he continues his â€Å"friendship† with Sir Andrew Aquecheek is to gull him out of his money. The fact that he can tease Sir Andrew is only his second purposeof him, the first being his money in order to be able to continue his drinking habits. This is another problem resolved in Act 5, also symbolised by marriage, as he leaves Ill yria to wed Maria who had been well suited throughout the play due to their lack of morals shown in their sinister behaviour towards Malvolio. Sir Andrew Aguecheek is another character who loves Olivia, and unfortunately is one who is left at a loss at the end of the play.This therefore indicates that a comedy isn't a ‘problem-solving story, ending in resolution and order' as throughout the play we laugh at Sir Andrew Aguecheek as he is merely a foolish man, who is easily gulled by Sir Toby, and obliviously at that. Another reason why we laugh at him is due to the fact that he loves Olivia, for he is foolish to believe that such a woman of high status would consider Sir Andrew. He is also a coward throughout the play which adds to the comedy in the play, for instance when he is tricked into fighting Cesario.Sir Toby sums up Sir Andrew in Act 5 as ‘an ass-head, and a coxcomb, and a knave; a thin-faced knave, a gull'. This, arguably, may have been harsh however portrays th at Sir Andrew was left alone with no progression in his life apart from a possible realisation that he has been used by Sir Toby and stands no chance with Olivia. In conclusion, I would agree with the idea that ‘a comedy is a problem-solving story, ending in resolution and order and normally symbolised by marriage' in Act 5 as majority of the problems caused within ‘Twelfth Night', particularly the major ones, were solved, and symbolised by marriage.At the end of the play; Olivia was married to Sebastian who was happy to be with her in return; Viola was with the man that she loved, Orsino, who supposedly loved her back and was therefore no longer longing for Olivia; Sir Toby had gone off to wed Maria and so was no longer using Sir Andrew or Olivia. Despite characters such as Malvolio, Sir Andrew, Feste and Antonio being left unmarried and also the resolution of the twins being reunited not symbolised by marriage, the main issues which the comedy within the play was based around were resolved by marriage. A comedy then is a problem-solving story, ending in resolution and order and normally symbolised by marriage? Shakespeare's comedy ‘Twelfth Night' is mainly comedic due to the dramatic irony which is consistent throughout the play due to Viola, Sebastian's twin, pretending to be a man named Cesario. This is evident in Act 1 Scene 4 when Orsino is praising Cesario for how much of a woman ‘he' looks. ‘Diana's lip/Is not more smooth and rubious' would be highly entertaining to the Shakespearean audience as they would be completely aware that Cesario was in fact a girl, and therefore would obviously have a smooth lip. This would be even more dramatic to the Shakespearean audience due to the fact that at that time only men were permitted to act.This was one of the problems created within the play as Viola constantly had to hide her true identity. This therefore supports the idea that ‘a comedy then is a problem-solving story, ending in resolution and order' particularly when looking at Act 5 as this is when the rest of the characters find out Viola's true identity when she says ‘that I am Viola' and that she ‘hath been between this lady and this lord'. It also supports that the resolution is often ‘symbolised by marriage' as Viola goes on to marry Orsino.The marriage of Orsino and Viola also resolved another issue within the play- Orsino's unrequited love for Olivia. We were first made clear of this love in Act 1 Scene 2 when the captain explained that ‘he did seek the love of fair Olivia'. As well as this, in Act 2 Scene 4 we hear from Orsino himself that his love for Olivia is ‘more noble than the world' portraying the idea that his love is true, and not just due to her status or wealth, however Olivia claims ‘I think not of him' due to the fact that she is in love with Cesario.Despite this love that Orsino has for Olivia, he quickly directs that love to Viola in Act 5 when he asks Viola ‘give me thy hand ‘. Throughout the play it is often made clear that Olivia is in love with Orsino, for instance wh en he asks her to declare his love for Olivia, Viola replies ‘whoe'er I woo, myself would be his wife' but due to her masked identity is unable to confess resulting in their marriage resolving her unconfessed love for Orsino as well as his unrequited love towards Olivia.Furthermore, the separation of the twins is a major issue that needed to be solved in ‘Twelfth Night' being the root also of Viola's hidden identity. During the entire play the audience are aware that Sebastian is alive and therefore great suspense is created as to when Viola is going to find out, which again, is Act 5. Viola claims that her ‘father had a mole upon his brow', Sebastian's response of ‘and so had mine' made clear to both of the twins that they were in fact related, as proven by this intimate fact.This certainly was a problem resolved, however in disagreement to the given statement indicating that resolutions to problems were ‘normally symbolised by marriage' the uniting of the twins was not symbolised by marriage in Act 5. When discussing the topic of unrequited love within ‘Twelfth Night' it is also necessary to mention the love that Olivia has for Cesario, Malvolio for Olivia as well as the hinted homosxual admiration that Antonio has for Sebastian. Out of these three, only one of these cases are resolved, that being Olivia's love.‘Even so quickly may one catch the plague? ‘, this quotation from Act 1 Scene 5 portrays how quickly Olivia fell in love with Cesario. The use of ‘plague' being a quickly spread disease reinforces this idea of speed and unwillingness the love for him was due to his lower status. Due to Cesario actually being Viola, they could never be together as homosexuality wasn't accepted in that era. However, Olivia's marriage to Sebastian provides her with the resolved, happy ending symbolised by marriage.In addition to the issues that have already been discussed, Sir Toby is a heavy burden to Olivia througho ut the play and it is clear he is using her for her money and lifestyle. Despite Sir Toby being a knight, he is still a rather corrupt individual. His drinking habits are made clear multiple times in the play, one instance of this is in Act 1 Scene 3, Sir Toby says ‘I’ll drink to her as long as there’s a hole in my throat and booze in Illyria' in reference to Olivia. Not only is he a burden to Olivia, the only reason he continues his â€Å"friendship† with Sir Andrew Aquecheek is to gull him out of his money.The fact that he can tease Sir Andrew is only his second purpose of him, the first being his money in order to be able to continue his drinking habits. This is another problem resolved in Act 5, also symbolised by marriage, as he leaves Illyria to wed Maria who had been well suited throughout the play due to their lack of morals shown in their sinister behaviour towards Malvolio. Sir Andrew Aguecheek is another character who loves Olivia, and unfortuna tely is one who is left at a loss at the end of the play.This therefore indicates that a comedy isn't a ‘problem-solving story, ending in resolution and order' as throughout the play we laugh at Sir Andrew Aguecheek as he is merely a foolish man, who is easily gulled by Sir Toby, and obliviously at that. Another reason why we laugh at him is due to the fact that he loves Olivia, for he is foolish to believe that such a woman of high status would consider Sir Andrew. He is also a coward throughout the play which adds to the comedy in the play, for instance when he is tricked into fighting Cesario.Sir Toby sums up Sir Andrew in Act 5 as ‘an ass-head, and a coxcomb, and a knave; a thin-faced knave, a gull'. This, arguably, may have been harsh however portrays that Sir Andrew was left alone with no progression in his life apart from a possible realisation that he has been used by Sir Toby and stands no chance with Olivia. In conclusion, I would agree with the idea that †˜a comedy is a problem-solving story, ending in resolution and order and normally symbolised by marriage' in Act 5 as majority of the problems caused within ‘Twelfth Night', particularly the major ones, were solved, and symbolised by marriage.At the end of the play; Olivia was married to Sebastian who was happy to be with her in return; Viola was with the man that she loved, Orsino, who supposedly loved her back and was therefore no longer longing for Olivia; Sir Toby had gone off to wed Maria and so was no longer using Sir Andrew or Olivia. Despite characters such as Malvolio, Sir Andrew, Feste and Antonio being left unmarried and also the resolution of the twins being reunited not symbolised by marriage, the main issues which the comedy within the play was based around were resolved by marriage.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Lung Cancer Essay Essay

Lung Cancer Institution Background   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Lung cancer was acknowledged as a distinct disease in 1761. Lung cancer, also known as carcinoma of the lung or pulmonary carcinoma, is the uncontrolled growth of unusual cells that starts in one or both lungs, typically in the cells that line the air passages. The abnormal cells divide fast and form tumors. These tumors become larger and more frequent, therefore weakening the lung’s ability to provide the bloodstream with oxygen. There are two forms of tumors: benign and malignant tumors. Benign tumors are those that remain in one place and do not seem to spread. Malignant tumors are more dangerous. They spread to other areas of the body, through the bloodstream or the lymphatic system. This process of spreading is referred to as metastasis.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   There are two main types of lung cancer: primary lung cancer and secondary lung cancer.(Johns, 1998). Primary lung cancer starts in the lungs while secondary lung cancer starts somewhere else in the body and metastasizes, and reaches the lungs. The two most renowned types of primary lung cancer are small-cell lung carcinoma (SCLC) and non-small cell lung carcinoma (NSCLC). Non-small cell lung carcinomas include squamous cell cancers (which are the most common type), adenocarcinoma and large-cell carcinoma. A squamous cell carcinoma grows gradually and might not spread to other parts of the body for some time. SCLC grows and spread gradually and by the time it is diagnosed, it may have spread to other parts of the body. About one in five cases of lung cancer are SCLC.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Secondary lung cancer (metastatic lung cancer), is not as common as primary lung cancer. Secondary lung cancer is normally a cancer that has metastasized from a primary cancer, more likely from the large bowel, bladder, breast, testicle, stomach, gullet, kidney, and a skin cancer called malignant melanoma. A secondary lung cancer may be assumed to be from a diagnosed primary cancer. Occasionally, it may be found before a primary cancer referred to as â€Å"unknownprimary† that may not be possible to find. Secondary lung cancer may cause fluid to collect in the area between the two membranes (the pleural) that surrounds the lungs. This is known as pleural effusion. It is possible to extract the fluid and scrutinise it for cancer. You can tell that a cancer is secondary if the cells look like the cells from the primary cancer. For instance, if the primary cancer is kidney cancer, the cells will look like kidney cancer cells instead of lung cancer cells, (Bartlett,2001).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   There is an uncommon type of lung cancer known as the pleural mesothelioma. It occurs when mesothelioma develops in the pleural. Caused by constant exposure to asbestos, pleura are cells that are often referred to as lubricating cells which make a thin membrane in the host’s chest walls. They are malignant since they take long periods of time before they are discovered or the symptoms start to manifests itself. Pleuralmesothelioma can sometimes spread to the lymph nodes in the chest, above the collarboneor any other part of the body. However it has not been considered to be lethal or serious although in some cases it results to reduced effectiveness or functioning of the lungs. Tests   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   There are voluminous tests that are carried out to diagnose any symptoms or characteristic of lung cancer. These tests include molecular testing of the tumour and biopsy which involves direct removal of tissues or cells from a patient and examining it to determine the extent of infection. Other tests are; sputum cytology, focussing on the mucus of the lungs, thoracentesis, bronchospy, bone marrow aspiration, testing of the tumour, mediastinoscopy, imaging tests, thoracotomy, thoracoscopy, computerised tomography scan (CT), which scans using radiographic beams to create detailed computerised pictures, magnetic resonance imaging scan (MRI), position emission tomography scan (PET) and a bone scan. Endoscopy is the process where a flexible plastic tube is inserted into the body cavities and organs so that one can view the area of concerned well.(Barbara,2009). Causes   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Medical analysts and researchers have discovered many factors that they believe are the main causes of cancer according to their research. The most common and well known cause is smoking. Many cases involving lung cancer have been accompanied by symptoms like high levels of carcinogens in the lungs, which is one of the substance contained in cigarettes. It accounts for eighty to ninety percent of the cases. Passive smokers have a greater chance or risk of up to twenty to thirty percent in getting lung cancer. Marijuana also contains the deadly substance, carcinogens that are in tobacco. Smoking that substance contributes greatly in deteriorating functioning of the lungs.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Another cause of lung cancer as far as smoke is concerned, is inhalation of the radon gas. It is a gas generated when radioactive materials are broken down by radium. The gas is a very fatal and very serious since it can be detected easily and it is odourless. An accumulated levels of the gas can actually cause lung cancer. Asbestos is another rare kind of cause of cancer. Long exposition to the rocks that release the asbestos, can cause inflammation and later trigger the enlargement of lung cancer. This was according to the medical researchers who reported that growth of lung cancer can be contributed by long duration to the exposure of these substances in the air.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Families who have a history of lung cancer, that is, most of the members have been diagnosed with cancer, it is more likely that the next generation in the same family some of the members will have the same disease. This is known as genetic predisposition. It is inherited from family members hence it increases the chances of an individual to develop lung cancer when he or she is exposed to the same environmental factors or cultural experiences as other members of the family. Medical researchers have sorted to investigate the arrangement of inheritance of genetic defencelessness by ascertaining the familial combination. They evaluated them by analysing in order to determine if there is a statistical confirmation of the inheritance of the gene causing cancer. Once the gene has been located they pursue it to try and change it.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   It has been ascertained that different people experience different symptoms of lung cancer depending on the cause of it and the duration that the diseases is in the body.(Karen,2010).In the initial stages of the diseases, the symptoms are not noticeable or probably not alarming. It has been surveyed that about forty percent of the people who are diagnosed with cancer, most of them was realised at an advanced stage.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The most common type symptom experienced by the many diagnosed in the early stages of the disease is persistent coughing.(Barbara,2009). The coughing may persistent to an extent of producing blood. The patient begins to have changes in breathing especially when doing a task that involves use of strength and straining coupled with constant pain in the chest or back. All these pain is caused by the enlargement of the lymph nodes and the lining of lubricating cells along the walls of the lungs.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The patient will start breathing with a whistling sound being produced, a condition known as wheezing. The condition is as a result of the constricting airways in the lungs. It can be accompanied with hoarse voice, losing weight considerably, bronchitis or pneumonia in some cases. The patient will begin to have swellings on the face, fingers and also fatigue. Treatment   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   According to medical researchers and practitioners, treatment of lung cancer highly depends on the extent of the damage of the lungs by the cancer cells, the site of the primary tumour, the stage and the person’s general health.(Mazzini,2010). Before treatment is done to a lung cancer patient, he or she is provided with options on the side effects or discomfort that they are likely to experience in any method of treatment offered. The different types of treatment offered or administered to patients include surgery by removing the tumour and the affected part of the lung. The other type of treatment is radiation therapy where the cancer cells are killed using x-rays with high energy. It can also prevent further growth of the cancer cells. Chemotherapy is the next treatment type, where the patient is given drugs which destroy the cancer cells in every part of the body. References Johns H.P. Williams T.T (1998). Lung Cancer And Its Treatment. Th Gerber publishers Ettinger Y.G. Bartlett (2001). Guide to Cancer Treatment.. Oxford University Publishers Mazzini J.Y and Walter Blue (2010). The Chicago Guide To Lung Cancer. Kaplan Publishers (1999) Karen P.M and Jones Schoiller (2010). Questions And Answers About Cancer. Parles publishers. Barbara M.D Daniel Otiz J.K. (2009) . Lung Cancer. American Cancer Sociation Publishers Source document

How to protect against 4 e-commerce security challenges Essay

Introduction Nowadays is the trends that trust the Internet commerce application where it can cause business operators. Some people will revert back to using the traditional method of doing business. The trust can be lost due to the situation where the hacker attack on e-commerce sites. According to the study done by Hammonds (2014) state that full-scale identity theft to web profiling come with various issues that been disturbed the consumer and vendor itself. That why, E-commerce also known as a form of buying and selling of product and services for the business and for the customer through the internet According to research done by Mukherjee (2016) state that online sale increasing day by day because customer take advantage of the low price product that offered by the wholesaler or the manufacturer in the online mood. Besides that, e-commerce also helps the customer and the organization in term of gaining the information through the technology that has been provided. Under Industry 4.0 concept, outstanding growth in advance and the information technology in social media network has been increasingly influencing human perception. That small enterprise that adopts e-commerce performs better than those which fail to adopt because of the catalytic effect on business performance (Wanyoike, et al. , 2012). This is because e-commerce adoption is not automatic due to the weaknesses of resources, for example, financial with e-commerce skill where the small enterprise have done it on the daily basis. It is shown that small enterprise can influence people to the business by using e-commerce by increasing the information about the social media network. The scope of study that has been done by Mihyun Chung & Jaehyoun (2014) Kim elaborate that the Industry 4.0 is the industrial revolution with the future of core technology trend is expected to result in an all-new era of automated industries. Furthermore, the internet devices significantly improve the quality of lives and in result will have a large impact on society. This has been proved with the development of small industry where they can go far in business by using the internet and apply the e-commerce business. Implementation of e-commerce is required high cost and need a strong economy-justification (Valmohammadi et al., 2016). This is because, in order to get the internet connection, there are a lot of things need build and upgraded in order to get the best connection. A poor connection can give the bad perception of the customer to the country and the nation and the ever-increasing growth of e-commerce in develop countries must be followed by the business policy and strategies that have bee fundamentally reconsidered as in the developing country. Acting as online marketplaces, e-commerce websites and mobile applications that facilitate online commercial transactions allow manufacturers, merchants, retailers and service and content providers to list their products, services or content online (Yen et al.,2015). To get success in e-commerce, there is some business model of e-commerce which it is has been structured in order to plan the activities more thoroughly to gain profit for an organization. The table below shows the key elements of e-commerce business model. ELEMENT DESCRIPTION VALUE PROPOSITION How a company’s products or services fulfill its customers’ requirements [14]. REVENUE MODEL How a company generates revenue and creates profit. MARKET OPPORTUNITY The marketplace that a company intends to enter, as well as the company’s potential financial opportunities in that marketplace. Many small market segments constitute a marketplace. MARKET STRATEGY How a company plans to enter a new marketplace and attract new customers. COMPETITIVE ENVIRONMENT Potential new entrants or other companies that offer similar products or services in the same marketplace. COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGE A company offers superior products or services at a lower price than its competitors do [23]. ORGANIZATIONAL DEVELOPMENT How a company organizes its work in a targeted, goal-oriented manner. MANAGEMENT TEAM. Leaders of a company’s business unit, responsible for the business model. Source: Adapted from Laudon, K.C., and Traver, C.G. E-commerce 2015: business. technology. society., 11th edition, pp58-68, Pearson [16]. Industry 4.0 is one of technology innovation after been through with the other three industry before. This industry is most modern where everything needs to use the internet in order to complete the task given. The information that available on the internet are not necessarily mean or lead to the success directly ( Kleindienst et al. , 2016). In contrast, the information usually gives some tools and methods and the right information is still needed in order to increase the effectiveness and lead the innovation. No wonder nowadays, it has been the topic that most frequent being discussed among the practitioners and academics in the German-speaking area (Dais, 2014, p. 625; Drath & Horch, 2014, p. 56).In this industrial revolution, it provides various opportunities to the company, especially in e-commerce fields. According to Zhou (2015) article state that industry 4.0 system is complex and flexible where there are involving). This is due to challenges that the industry facing by deali ng with big data issue in order to make a decision rapidly for making an improvement. Big data becomes a buzzword for everyone because data mining already been since human-generated content has been a boost to the social network. The development of an Internet of Things (IoT) framework and the emergence of sensing technology have created unified information that will be connected with the systems and human together ( Jay Ley et al. , 2014). This is because nowadays only use a database in order to get and save the information into the system. When the internet has been well developing, it can help human to work more effectively with the system and can help the human to save time use the technology wisely.